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HowTo: add Self-Test button to your
web pages, social media and track results

(Latest news! This Self-Test now works on cellphones and tablets! Jun 10, 2014)

IITTI self-testing tool
You are welcomed to use this self-test tool on your website or any web page that you want. Here is the (default) button's HTML code that you can use in your web page:

<script> function mouseSelfTestOver() { document.getElementById("c3").src =""; } function mouseSelfTestDown() { document.getElementById("c3").src =""; } function mouseSelfTestOut() { document.getElementById("c3").src =""; } </script> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img border="0" src="" id="c3" alt="IITTI self-testing tool" onmouseover="mouseSelfTestOver()" onmouseout="mouseSelfTestOut()" onmousedown="mouseSelfTestDown()" /></a>

That is, you can simply cut-and-paste the above lines into your HTML web page.

For cases (such as social media) that don't allow you to paste a button there, you can simply type in a simple link like this:

For Advanced Users

HRs and image etiquette schools: How to track your employees or students

In the HTML code above, replace the default self-test monitoring term "John123" with your own particular self-test monitoring term (e.g. "MarriottHotel"). Make sure you use only letters of the alphabet and numbers. No other punctuation or symbols will work.

So, for Marriott Hotel, it can be something like:

<script> function mouseSelfTestOver() { document.getElementById("c3").src =""; } function mouseSelfTestDown() { document.getElementById("c3").src =""; } function mouseSelfTestOut() { document.getElementById("c3").src =""; } </script> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img border="0" src="" id="c3" alt="IITTI self-testing tool" onmouseover="mouseSelfTestOver()" onmouseout="mouseSelfTestOut()" onmousedown="mouseSelfTestDown()" /></a>

The numbers "246" are arbitrary and optional. Just use something so that it will be memorable for you. In fact, you can be more fine-grained with different names and numbers for different occasions. For example, you can use "246" for your HR department's assessment campaign, and other sets of names and numbers for other campaigns as your self-test monitoring terms:

MarriottHotel246 for HR department's web page
Marriott266 for your Facebook page
MarriottGroup346 for Marriott's corporate web site
Ritz for Marriott's Ritz-Carlton Hotel chain's web site

Again, for cases (such as social media) that don't allow you to paste a button there, you can simply type in a simple link like this:

Tracking Tool

To monitor your particular campaign(s), you can go to the tracking tool:

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